
Cellphone service

Telluride has GSM service.

Eating out

Some favorites are

Housing rules

  1. The condos are individually owned units so please keep the furniture and supplies in them. Or, at least make certain that everything is put back in the condo before you leave.
  2. These are self-catering condos. Each condo should have everything needed to keep house: laundry facilities either in the condo or in a central location; sheets, towels, vacuum cleaner, broom, etc.
  3. The rental company is supposed to provide a weekly cleaning for the condos. However, this has always been problematic so don't depend on this.
  4. Housekeeping services are not provided as needed. For example, if you throw a major party, clean up after yourself. Do not call Housekeeping for a party clean up. And, yes, we will hear about it if you do.
  5. In town communication: Pam actually managed to get the phone numbers for all of the condos. They are on the housing chart.


Tipping for meals is expected (i.e., required) in town. Plan on 10-15% for lunch; 15-20% for dinner. And, yes, if you don't tip, the restaurants will complain to us. They know who we are.

Beware of bears

Nights at school house

Bring a flashlight or headlamp. The path from the schoolhouse to the street and the street to join Main Street have no street lights.

Town library

There is an excellent town library (see wiki:2011/Housing#Map for map) with a cheap visitors card option and a fantastic children's section. We sometimes present public lectures there.


The Workshop uses the Alpine Bank in Telluride. They are friendly toward us. 120 South Pine Street.


There are two groceries - Clark's, below Telluride Lodge, and the Village Market, next to Baked in Telluride on the way to the town park. Both are open 7 days.

Town Gray Goose Bus

The free bus runs along Telluride from about 7am to 8pm daily. It stops behind Telluride Lodge going towards the park along Pacific at 1,21,41 past the hour and returns from the park next to the bridge crossing the river along Colorado Ave (the main street) at 12,32,52 past the hour.